
Christmas season!

(tarps & hard hats)

Christmas season is getting into full swing here!!! Portholes being decorated with lights and greenry, Advent services, Christmas movies on the deck, holiday baking! - I was completely lost in the market maze yesterday among the pigfeet and plantains, when i literally stumbled across a cake decorating store? I was able to buy some red food coloring and green sprinkles!! Thats the first store like that I've ever seen here! It was definetly a gift from God. Its fun to see God cares even about the little, silly things that are important to us :) He is providing me with exactly what I need here and more. Also, today I moved into my new room with two good friends. We are all here until end of May so no more constant new roommates! It only took me about 10 minutes to move, ha. Thats a first :) And NO MORE acrobats to get into & out of my bed.. aah :)

It really is starting to feel like a home and family here. Now if they would just let me go to breakfast in my pajamas! As much as I truly do miss all of you, especially around the holidays.. I'm REALLY looking forward to spending it this year in Africa. Its a totally different feel here. I look out the Tro~Tro windows and see the mud huts passing by and think.. this scenery is like baby Jesus's time :) I get so easily caught up in the hustle and bustle back home, but life is slow pace here, no matter what you wish. No Big Santa's plastered on store fronts or the "obligated" gift giving. I wander through the market and hear "O Holy Night" among scattered pieces of tinsel decorations..and it just feels simple..peaceful, like the real reason for Christmas is not able to be disguised by mall sales.

I can't believe it, but somehow my work schedule gives me the 22,23,24,25 off as well as New Years Eve and the 1st. I was fully prepared to work many of these as patients will still be with us. To tell you the truth, if I can't be with family I think the ward is the next best place to be. The patients and parents on the ward have grown so close to my heart. I LOVE spending time with them, they are such amazing people. Teaching me SO much. So I think thats where you will find me Christmas day.. giving them a taste of Betty Crocker's frosted brownies with red frosting and green sprinkles! I'm love my job here, my life here. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.. for now :)