
Bong Mines

Saturday afternoon, took our Land Rovers to the train station and pulled em' onto a flat bed, strapped em' down and took off to see the interior of this beautiful, lush country.

Rode on top of the Land Rovers to get an even better view as we passed from the busy city, into the quiet bush... that is until the fresh air turned more into eye-burning diesel fumes toot tooting towards our faces!! ouch.
Passed everything from deforestation (mostly because trees used by locals to make charcoal to sell in the city...what our train was used to carry besides us)... to lush tropical forest!

Pulled up about 2 1/2 hrs later to a train platform in a village that used to be pretty hopping and VERY nice back in the 1960's...

In 1990 with the start of the civil war, the area was bombed and the Bong Mine which was used to obtain Iron Ore, was shut down and left over the past 17 years to rust and be stripped... sold piece by piece by robbers for a good profit.

Nearby is an old rock quarry which a Mercy Shipper discovered and makes for a great swimming hole, rock jumping, picnic kind of Saturday!

The train man decided we needed to leave earlier than usual, which was perfect because we got back for a special Super Saturday Game and Barbeque event out on the dock :)

HOME SWEET HOME.... for another 2 1/2 weeks