
lets go saiiiiling!

Preparing to leave...Stowaway search..... no one in hereeee!

Liberia ahoy, 2am Monday morning! Got up in our P.J.s to see the ship start its final voyage. It was a little rocky & my stomach not so happy so I thought I'd pop a Anti~Drowsy Dramanine tablet before heading back to bed, MD orders. Little did I know "anti~drowsy" means "less drowsy" and if any of you have ever been around me when I've taken Benadryl... this is like that x 10!! very entertaining when I manage to come out of being comatose! I don't think my neurons were firing in my head for a full 24hrs... my head was completely numb & I slept 18/24hrs... every couple of hours my roommates shaking me awake to make sure I was still with em'. Same reaction to about 1/4 of the ship, everyone sprawled out, drooling, running into walls.. what a mess!

This is the bunker ship that met us off the shore of Ghana the 1st day, where we stopped to get some gas! They had a dog onboard :) I don't know if it was the meds...but I was really weirded out that my "home" was floating!!... in the middle of nowhere!!..getting gas!!..

Luckily the next day the med finally left my system & I managed to grow my sealegs!!! horray!
....Stepped outside & hardly left since! Its absolutely gorgeous out here, nothing in sight but the most beautiful blue i've ever seen... its definetly not in the crayola box! Spent the 2nd day on the bow, dolphin watching...

reading, hanging out, and praise & worship at sunset...

(looking down at the front of the ship cutting through the water)

Had a sleepover outside on the bow with the girls and got up to watch the sunrise the next morning... woke up many times during the night..each time the sky more beautiful than the last.. staring at the gorgeous stars & waves, the questions on my heart lately seemed to become peaceful with the sights of our beautiful creator... if he can create such splendor.. surely he can be trusted with the details of my life...

Day 3: Captain Steph Day! Up to the bridge where Sailor Josh showed us the way....

... good thing I'm not on my meds today ;) Just off the coast of Cote Ivoire,
Ahoy...FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!!!!!

how'd I do??.... right on course..straight ahead...see for yourself!

Ended the day with a Root Beer Float party on the back of the ship, & as the rainy
storm kicked in...headed in for some sWaYing crew Irish linedancin' lessons.

(crazy Ben getting ready for his dance off)

As you can see.. it has not been boring here, I would LOVE another week of sailing! But... tomorrow we should head into Monrovia, Liberia in the late morning, singing our horribly out of key randition of "Hail Liberia" National Anthem to the welcoming party. For now, i'll will enjoy the fresh ocean breeze and the gentle swaying that lalls me to sleep :) Good night *