
Goodbyes <3

This week 23 patients were discharged, countless goodbyes, our ward closed and our Ghana Outreach complete. I can't believe my time is halfway through...sad to say goodbye to the beautiful people i have met here, but excited for the sail in 2 weeks and to experience a whole new culture in Liberia. As things begin to slow down here for a season, we are finding lots of random things to do... one being this week my friend Kristen & i bumped into the gross meat section of the market; as we walked down the narrow isles of smoked goat heads & piles of cow intestines...a genius lightbulb went off & we decided to buy a HUGE cow heart to dissect! Bought a knife, kitchen tray, & heart all for only $6...cheap entertainment! Secretly wrapped it up and hide it in the common frig until a group of giddy nurses gathered around it at night on the bow to explore & review the heart anatomy! :) At the end had fun bombing it into the ocean, waiting to see if any sharks would come :) ...

As we followed the heart vessels, sliced open into the chambers i was amazed once again at the visiual simplicity around such a complex functioning, vital organ. Interesting how the bible assigns the same word, "heart <3" to represent the deepest, most mysterious, precious part of us, our soul.

1 Samuel 16:7 For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart"

Jeremiah 29:13 When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord."

Just like the heart dissection..our spiritual anatomy is hidden.. its complex to figure out all its dimensions on the inside and make it function effectively, the way we want it to. Have to dissect it to see whats going on inside. The heart looks sturdy, but it is a fragile thing, literally & figuratively. Takes exercise, constant attention to make it strong, filter through the old & used --> to the refreshed, renewed.

Each day the Lord, through my time at Mercy Ships, is molding and renewing my heart. Exercising it to have a greater faith in his hand, to give more unselfishly, to carry out my daily actions with all my heart. mind, and strength; he is renewing me with joy when i use my full potential, the passions and skills he has given me.. then i can deeply glorify him & be a part of strengthening his kingdom. It doesn't stop pumping until your "done", its a life process.
So this Valentines day..i challenge you to look at your heart and see where a vessel might need to be strengthened to make it function to your full potential.