
Ghanian culture

learning Ghanian culture...

have 70 different dialects...offical one is English :)

average daily income is $5

Tribal marks most often seen on the ward-
a horizontal line below the left eye (even on babies!)
on forearm, homemade ink pen tattoos- first line is for their name, 2nd- name of
their Tribe, 3rd- name of their father's tribe

Known for production of Cocoa, rice, gold, fabrics

It is an insult to wave, point, or shake with your left hand as that is the hand you supposedly "wipe" with! Considered "unclean" and rude

Knives, spoons, forks do not exist at the dinner table! You must use your right hand as your spoon.

Main dishes: Fufu (mashed cassava), Banku & Kenkey (fermented maize), beans, rice & fried plaintains.

"Madarse" is Thank you, "Dabie" is no in Twee...the only words i know and can remember thus far. the word please doesn't exist.

"Toilet" means # 2. They laugh at me if i say popo!

"Minerals" means Coke or Fanta (soda)

lanes on the highway serve no purpose

take your shoes off before going in a home

they love their Nigerian soap operas.

will have cellphones and a television in their home, but no running water and 1 bed for the family.

4 choices for transportation: foot, taxi, tro-tro, or bus. You take your chances with all of em'!

If you go to a remote village..make sure you meet the chief. If he offers you a small glass of potent alcohol, pour a few drops on the ground before drinking as a sign of honoring the forefathers. Tribal political power is as prevalant as the offical government.

Ghanians are very friendly people! They will always remember your name. Very generous and outgoing.

sometimes a little TOO friendly. Marriage proposals, and I Luv yous, come after "my name is ___" ! I read that this is because otherwise their Ghanian woman don't take the men seriously.

* Reading a book on Hot and Cold cultures.. and their cultural characteristics, how they socially interact with people differently. Its called "Foreign to Familiar". They consider the southern U.S. a "hot culture". Hot- more relational oriented/indirect communication Cold- business first, direct communication. Living in Texas the past 2 years, and growing up in Michigan, its been really interesting to look back at my life, and now here in Ghana and see how right on the book is... and figuring out how to not offend people with my own cultural norms from both places, or even where i fall in that scheme! Good read for travel lovers :)