
Birthday Fun

Spent my 26th birthday hiking between the rocky coast and black sand beaches. Found a little authentic Canary Island resturant built into the cliffs to enjoy my first Barraquito~ I hope to make it for you next time were sitting in my Chicago apartment trying to survive winter ! :)
It was a splendid day of fresh air and good conversation. I got a good feeling about this 26th year :)

Barraquito, also called barraco is a coffee speciality from the Canary Islands, particularly popular on Tenerife and La Palma.The coffee speciality is served in a glass and consists of three layers; sweet condensed milk (minimum 10% fat), espresso and milk froth.
First fill approximately quarter of the glass with sweet condensed milk, not less than 10% fat. Now put hot, fresh espresso on top of the condensed milk. At last top everything with milk froth.
P.S. I think you can add a flavored Liqueor layer too. Irish cream is a good one :)
walaa! enjoy! I hope it warms you up. Cheers