
Hellos & Goodbyes

(Before we shipped out towards Liberia, a M.S. doctor came earlier by helicopter to enter remote villages and find potential surgical patients where there is absolutley no access to healthcare. Red Cross International partnered with us to fly them back.
These are some of the patients leaving after their stay at Mercy Ships to head home)

Its been over a 1/2 year now living & working here in W. Africa & every week there are at least a handful of goodbye & hellos to the everchanging staff of Anastasis Mercy Ship! I must admit, I'm a bit uncomfortable with "goodbye's, I would much rather say "see ya later" and take my chances! I've been surprised at myself though how only a few handful of times throughout all these months i've found myself teary in such a potentially emotional evironment... I guess I've taken it as a sign I must be where God has wanted me in this season of my life, to find such peace here. Even with close friendships with staff, looking back it has ALWAYS been goodbyes related to my patients that get me. Last night I snuck down to get one last look at them sleeping before they headed for the plane early in the morning...
I only have 12 more shifts left onboard before the ward closes and the new ship arrives, from which I will not be here in July when they reopen on the new Africa Mercy. I can't believe my time here is almost over..6 more weeks. I'm finding it hard at the thought of knowing how to walk away from all this. I have fallen head over heels for the Africans and especially the children I've gotten the priviledge to know & look after. Here is my newest heart throb.. meet Daniel "the giggle monster".. he spent his days on the ward doing much more than just healing from a facial burn... he kept his mischevious little self busy by sneaking up on nurses to attack tickle them, monkey cling himself to our backs, whispering sweet demanding nothings into our ears requesting "bAllOOn", "tea & bread", or "no chickle (tickle) i BEG u" and my personal favorite.. sitting on my lap during daily burn care, dodgeing my Q-tip to pucker his sweet little burnt lips and trying to plant them on my lips! Ooo how i will miss all their sweet little faces...anyone want to send me an extra BIG suitcase??


(taken after a ritual tickle attack by our cute little instigator here)